Friday 14 February 2014


He is not from this village. He left his family in the city for some reason... He doesn't have a job but he is a very kind person who quickly becomes friend with you.
Birthday                :              Summer 6
Rival                                   Ann
Lives                      :              He has no home, so he lives at the inn.
Daily time              :              Before he got a work, he spends all his day at the church.
After he works, you can visit him at his workplace every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Every Saturday he will accompany his boss's family to the church and got a lunch at the pub.
Favorite                :              Miso soup
Love                       :             Curry rice, omelet rice, fried rice, mushroom rice, truffle rice and vegetable pancake.
Like                        :              Spa-boiled egg, chocolate, cake, ice cream and anything that is sweet.
Accept   :              Any fruit and vegetables.
Things you will get from him:
- Face Lotion: invite him to your house at the Star Night Festival.
- Cookies

-              Meet Kai in Spring!
Go to the church at 12 o'clock. Carter is ready to go shopping, and he will ask you to watch over his church. Choose option 1 (yes). Cliff will then suddenly feel very shy to be left alone with you so he’ll join Carter. After they left, go in to the confession room on the left by choosing option 1 (Enter). In a while Kai will come. He'll be looking for Carter. When he doesn't find anyone, he'll think that Carter is in the confession room. He will go in, and ready to make a confession.

You can choose option 1 (Listen) and he'll make a confession about an argument with his father and leave, but when Carter and Cliff come back, Carter will be sad, and Kai won't even know who you are.

Or option 2 (I’m not Carter) and you’ll tell him that Carter has gone somewhere and he’ll be surprised at first, but then he’ll be nice to you and you will have a little talk with him. In a while, when Carter and Cliff comes back, Kai will talk to Carter saying that you are a sweet girl. Kai’s heart level with you will increase to purple and Carter will be happy with you. Cliff will also instantly like your attitude and his heart level increase.

-              First night at the pub
When you come in, Ann will greet you and Doug will call you to his corner.

If you haven't meet Cliff before at the Church, event with Kai, he’ll be at that corner too. Doug will introduce you to him and he’ll greet you.
Choose option 1 and you’ll make him happy, but his face will still looks sad.
Or choose option 2 (you don’t look friendly), and he’ll be sad. But whatever options you choose, his heart level will rise up one color (as I say, he is a friendly man type).

If you have done the event at church (with Kai), Doug won't be introducing him to you, instead Cliff will act very active towards you and Doug will be amaze on how he suddenly becomes so confident with girls.

-              Lunchtime
One day, when Cliff hasn't got his job, go to the church at noon and you’ll see Ann delivering lunch for Carter. She’ll then invite Cliff to go back to the inn with her but he’ll refuse. Ann will completely ignore you in this event.

-              Looking for a job?
At 6 a.m. on 14th Fall in the 1st year, Duke from Aja Winery will visit your farm and ask you to help him harvest his grape in the vineyard. Duke will also ask you to find someone else to help as well.
So, speak to Cliff on the same day about the job offer and he will accept right away because if he doesn't find a job he will have to leave Mineral Town forever by Winter. It is the only chance he can get to stay in the village. If you tell Cliff about the job, no matter you help Duke or not, Cliff will then work for him because Duke likes him.
From 15th Fall to 20th Fall, go to the Aja Winery everyday at any time between 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 a.m. or between 4.40 p.m. and 4.50 p.m. to initiate the Grape Harvest event. There are a total of 16 bunches of grapes on the vines in the vineyard to the right of the Winery building. Cliff will walk to the upper right corner of
the vineyard where one bunch of grapes is situated. If you wish to pick all 16 bunches of grapes, you must reach that point before he does, take the grapes and then move to the next position. If you succeed in collecting all 16 bunches of grapes, the event will end automatically. If you do not succeed in collecting all 16, you must terminate the event by telling Duke that you wish to go home.
At the end of the event on 20th Fall, Duke will announce that the Harvest is complete and Manna will give you some Grape Juice to drink. Each day that you participate in the harvest, you will earn 50G for each bunch of grapes that you deliver to Duke. Now Duke will ask Cliff if he wishes to work at the Aja Winery on a regular
basis and Cliff will accept gratefully.

-              Winter Passed Out
Go to the square on a snowy day during Winter in the 1st year. You will see Cliff is alone there and looks sick. He will then pass out after taking a few steps. Go talk to him, and you will pick up his family picture that he drop. Then you will find yourselves at the pub. Ann, Doug and Carter were there and you will tell Ann that Cliff is in danger. Later you will be at the clinic with the Doctor, Carter and Ann. Cliff will be in the bed and the Doctor will say that he is okay, but have to rest for a few days. The Doctor will like you more now, knowing that you are a good girl!
After you exit the clinic, you can go back in and talk to Cliff. Give him the photograph and he will tell you about the tragedy that brought him to Mineral Town. Or if you want to, visit Cliff on the clinic for 3-5 days by bringing some presents like milk, eggs, hot milk, honey, apple, medicine grass or soup. Give it to the Doctor. This will make the Doctor and Cliff likes you more. Then talk to Cliff, he'll say thank you, telling you that he is missing his mom and sister on the city. Then only you return the picture. The next day he will be out from clinic.

-              Aja Winery
At the winery, Cliff and you overheard Manna and Duke talking about letting Cliff inherits the Vineyard instead of their daughter Aja. (Full dialogue)
[Cliff comes down from the stairs]
Cliff: Hi! Welcome, ____. Hold on. Let me get Manna. Excuse me, Manna...?
[Duke and Manna in the kitchen]
Manna: You know, about Cliff...
Cliff: ...!?
Manna: What do you think we should do with Cliff?
Duke: What do you mean?
Manna: I mean, Aja won't be coming back... I think Cliff is a very good boy, so...
Duke: I kind of thirsty. Can you get me something to drink?
Manna: Duke...!
Duke: I like that kid. He's like a son I've never had. Our own daughter left us, and we're just lucky to have him around. We can't ask him to take over the business someday...
Manna: I suppose...
[Cliff walks to you]
Cliff: Have you been in Aja's room before? Manna cleans her room every day. So that Aja can come home any time, I think... I'm so sad that I can't see my mom and sister, so I hope Aja will come back. Sorry, but come back later?
[Cliff walks away]

-              Starry Night Festival Day (or after)
Go up to the mountain summit and you’ll find Cliff. He'll talk about how nice the stars look and ask you what you think. Pick the option 1 (Yes) and he'll like you more or option 2 (not really) and nothing will happen.

-              Proposition
If the relationship between Ann and Cliff goes well, one day at the inn they will have a chat. It looks like a normal conversation at first, but suddenly you will notice that Ann's face going red. It means in a week they will have their wedding.

-              Manna proposal
Visit Cliff at the vineyard cellar and Cliff will be there and decide to show you around. Manna will then come in and ask if Cliff would marry to her daughter Aja. Cliff replied by saying "I've already made up my mind".

-              Mother’s Hill
Go to the summit at 9 p.m. and Cliff will be there. Now talk to Cliff and Cliff will talk about how much he misses his family and how lonely he is. Cliff will say he love you and ask if you feel the same. Choose the option 1 (yes) and he’ll propose to you soon.

-              Proposal (Full dialogue)
Cliff: Good morning! What I said last time was kind of sudden and I've just learned the proper custom for this area, so I've come to propose! Please take this Blue Feather!
[You can choose option 1 (Of course, thank you) or option 2 (I've changed my mind) If you choose option 1,]
You: Of course, thank you.
Cliff: I know we'll be happy together.          
[After the wedding ceremony, in the vineyard]
Duke: This wine is so good.
Manna: Yes, but I'm only letting you drink today! Everyone, drink up! But, I was just thinking, Cliff seems like a really quiet guy. He seemed so shy and withdrawn. But after befriending him, I've become kind of attached to him, and he's cute! Um, oops, that wasn't what I meant to say.
[Cliff looks at you]
Cliff: Let’s go someplace a little more quiet.
[You nod, and you two go into the cellar.]
Cliff: Manna looks quite happy, doesn't she? (You nod) I've kept quiet about this until now, but: The person who saved you on the beach was me. Back then, I was still searching for a place where I felt at home, and had decided to leave this village. I was about to board the ship when I heard Zack's call. I was so caught up in trying to help you, I completely forgot about my decision to leave! I think we were destined to meet each other.
[You the walk up right next to him, and Cliff get an exclamation point above his head and turns to you.]
Cliff: I didn't mean that I tricked you or anything! Sorry!
[You shake your head, and Cliff puts his hands on your shoulders.]
Cliff: You're happy, right?
[You nod, and the camera fades out.]

1 comment:

  1. wah gambarnya keren min, berkunjung ke blog Harvest moon saya juga ya di
